Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction
Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Our primary goal is always to save your natural teeth, but sometimes a tooth extraction may be necessary. For most people, the thought of a tooth extraction may seem overwhelming. Here are some important things to know about the relatively quick and simple procedure.

It is a good treatment choice for rare scenarios

Relieves severe tooth pain
Eliminates overcrowding
Gets rid of tooth decay
Prevents advanced gum disease
Creates a beautiful, picture-worthy smile
Improve overall health and wellness

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Most people get wisdom teeth in their late teens or young adulthood. Since wisdom teeth often pose challenges for many people, our dental experts may want to remove them as soon as possible.

Tooth Extraction Recovery

A tooth extraction will require a recovery period. Most people will need to limit their normal, daily activities for 24 hours after the procedure. The extraction site will usually be healed within the first week.

Tooth Extraction Cost

The total cost of a tooth extraction will depend if the procedure will be surgical or non-surgical. The good news is that several dental insurance companies cover a portion of this procedure.